On Monday, I chatted with a man who came from India and his name is Shalabh. He is 23 years old,just graduated from college,and now he is a soft engineer. We found we had many same hobbies. And when I asked him " Do you know where is Taiwan? " ,then he said "Yes". After that he also said " Taiwan is an samll island which is near China and there are many electric equipments "Made In Taiwan". It was affecting.
Because before I chatted with him,I asked many people did they know where was Taiwan. But no person tell me the clear imformations like that,even some people I asked them " Do you know Wang Chien-Ming?" ,they either said "No". After that time,I felt Taiwan was too small to let other countries know us,and Wang Chine-Ming was not very very very famous,either. When I heard him said so many imformations about Taiwan,I was so affected. So I felt he is a knowledgeable person.
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Wangtin & Sue
2007年10月3日 星期三
He Knows " Made In Taiwan "
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