1. My brain doesn't work. 我搞不清楚.
2. What are you talking about? 你在說什麼東西?
3. He has problem understanding what you mean.. 他無法解理你在說什麼.
What do you mean? 或是 What do you mean by that?
4. I have no idea what that is. 我不知道那是什麼.
I have no idea what time it is, 這時就用 it is. 而不是 what time is it.
I have no idea 也可以說成 I have no clue. Clue 就是線索的意思
5. This is over my head. 這超出我所能理解的範圍.
6. Beats me. 考難我了.
7. Does that ring a bell? 有沒有幫你想起一些什麼啊?
8. I am lost. 我迷糊了.
除了 lost, 有一個國中的單字 confused 也很常用
Ex: The professor confused a lot of people today.
9. What's the point? 重點是什麼.
cut the crap (少說癈話)
10. I just don't get it. 我就是不了解.
1. 套餐 (combo)
2. 漢堡 (hamburger)
3. 薯條 (fries)
4. 飲料 (drinks)
1. He was so hard on me last night. 他昨晚對我很兇.
要安慰別人的話, 可以說 No hard feelings.
2. I have a hard time with my girlfriend. 我跟我女友關係非常不好.
Have a hard time with sb. 就是說和某個人的關係處的特別不好
3. You're getting on my nerves. 你惹毛我了.
You get on my nerve. 這句話的意思跟 jump on my back 差不多.
4. Get off my back, I didn't sleep last night. 不要再煩我了, 我昨晚沒睡耶!
5. Cut me some slack! Give me some slack! 放我一馬吧.
Slack 就是鬆懈的意思,這句話跟 Get off my back 是一模一樣的
6. Don't let your father down. 不要讓你的父親失望.
Down :1. 心情不好, 心情低落, 或是覺得很失望
Ex: Please don't let me down.
2.有沮喪的意思在內. 跟 blue (憂鬱) 這個字差不多,
Ex: Why are you feeling down?
或是 Why are you feeling blue?
7. I don't give a shit I don't give a damn. 不屑一顧
8. People have dirty looks on their faces. 人們的臉都很臭.
9. Tough luck, but shit happens. 真倒霉, 但還是發生了.
Tough luck 就是說運氣實在糟透了, 另外一個講法, 叫 rotten luck
10. I got the short end of the stick. 這實在是我所能遇到最糟的情況了.
1. Do you take money? 你們要收錢嗎?
2. You owe me three dollars. 你還要找我三塊錢.
3. Let's call it a wash. 剩下的不用給了! (不是很常用)
4. Pass the hat. 大家出錢吧.
put in (plug in) 這個動詞.
這個動詞就是每個人 "出多少錢" 的意思.
Ex:Everybody puts in 5 dollars. 就是每個人出五塊錢.
5. Let's chip in 20 dollars to buy him a present.
chip in 則是說每個人出一點錢,把這個錢拿去作一件事
6. Have you ever seen a silver dollar? 有沒有看過一元的硬幣?
一分錢叫 penny, 五分是 nickel, 一角是 dime, 二角五是 quarter
一元叫 silver dollar
7. How much is the cover? 入場費是多少錢?
或是, How much to get in?
8. I am broke. 我很窮.
I am poor 用得並不多
9. She just got a sugar dad. 她找到一個有錢的老男人
有錢的老男人被稱為 sugar dad.
有錢的老女人就叫 sugar mom.
10. Ching-Ching. 錢錢.
1. If you can't do better than that, go back to your room.
如果你不能表現的好一點的話, 你就回房去.
2. Behave. 規矩點.
3. You won't hurt my feelings if you don't like it.
如果妳不喜歡的話, 我也不會覺的太難過.
4. The house gives me the warm nest feeling.
5. Head up. 小心.
Head up 跟 Watch out 是很類似的, 都是提醒人當心的意思
6. Do you want to shoot in the pool? 要不要玩撞球啊?
pool table 指的是撞球桌
7. You can't find a person who doesn't know 'fig' in the United States.
8. I got an A in the bag. 我已經確定可以拿一個 A 了.
9. Don't let the door hit you on your way out. 小心你出門時不要讓門撞到你.
10. You can stick a fork in me. 我已經好了.
1. Who's up? 輪到誰了?
輪到他打擊了 "You're up."
2. Who are you after? 你在誰後面打擊?
"Who are you after?" 「你在誰後面?」
"Who's after you?" 「你後面是誰?」
3. Sorry, my bad. 很抱歉, 是我的錯.
4. Do you want to pitch that game? 你要主投這場比賽嗎?
5. Are you lefty? 你是左撇子嗎?
6.That was a hit. 那是一支安打.
7. It's me. 這個由我來接.
8. Run it out. 把它跑完.
9. Head up. 注意.
10. You are their tenth player. 你是他們的第十個球員 (內奸) 喔!
(7.)Taco Bell
1. Taco
2. Burrito
玉米皮 (Soft flour tortilla)
3. Nachos
4. Mexican Pizza
5. Taco Salad
6. For here or to go?
7. Do you have drinks goes with it?
8. Is that all?
anything else?
9. Here you go!
1. Are you kidding me? 你是在開玩笑嗎?
2. I am serious. 我是認真的.
3. Get out of here. 我不相信你所說的.
Get out. 原意是叫別人走開, 但可以引申成為我不相信你說的話.
Give me a break 跟 Get out of here 的意思差不多, 都是你覺得別人開玩笑開得太誇張了, 到了不可思議的地步
4. He likes to pull gags on me. 他喜歡跟我開玩笑.
play jokes on me 或是 pull gags on me 都是.
pulled a gag. 惡作劇.
5. Are you making fun of me? 你在嘲笑我嗎?
make fun of someone 是有點取笑或是嘲笑別人的意思, 這樣子是會傷到別人的, 和無傷大雅的 play jokes 是不太一樣的
6. He is a rascal. 他是個搗蛋鬼.
Rascal意思是流氓, 但它還有其它幾個意思,
1.指小孩很小但卻很壞, 這種小孩就是 rascal 或稱 brat.
2.指搗蛋鬼, 指那些很喜歡惡作劇的人, 這時 rascal= prankster
形容詞形容一個人很愛惡作劇 “mischievous”
7. You sneak. 你很聰明狡猾.
這裏不能說成 You are a sneak, You are a sneak. 這跟 You are a rat 的用法是不一樣的, 像 You are a rat 就不能講成 You rat.
Sneak 也可以用形容詞 sneaky, ex: I like you when you are sneaky.
8. It's hilarious. 真是太好笑了.
(另一個常用的單字是 ubiquitous 無所不在的)
9. It cracks me up. 把我給笑壞了.
誇大的講法, "I can't stop laughing." (我笑到無法停止) 或是 "We laugh our heads off." (我們把頭都給笑掉了.)
10. That's bitter. 真是惡毒啊!
"You are so mean." (你真是太壞了) 或是說 "That's a nasty joke." (真是一個卑鄙的笑話)
1. It's a surprise party. 這是一個驚喜派對
surprise party (注意不是 surprising party!)
2. That's a really eye-opening experience. 那真是一個另人大開眼界的經驗.
Eye-opening 指的就是另人大開眼界
an eye-opening experince 或是你可以用 open my eye
3. Who is going to organize the birthday party next time?
social coordinator "公關"
4. Got to give me one of these! 我也要一個像這樣的東西.
5. I bought a cake about this big! 我買了一個蛋糕大約有這麼大.
6. Pass me the clicker. 把遙控器拿給我.
7. Knock yourself out. 把這裏當作自己的家一樣.
8. I am turning 23 tomorrow. 我明天就二十三歲了.
9. She is in her birthday suit. 她什麼也沒穿.
10. You are a party pooter. 你真是掃興.
How are you doing 是最常用的, How are you 次之, Howdy 則是簡稱!
儘量不要用 Good bye, 或是 So long 這樣的用法, 在這裏相當少見.
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Wangtin & Sue
2007年10月27日 星期六
2007年10月24日 星期三
Bao class - - - Take a Deep Breath
1. Take a Deep Breath 深呼吸; 憋氣
ex:If you get scared, take a deep breath and try to relax.
2. scissors (n.) 剪刀
ex:The scissors aren't sharp enough.
3. road hog ─ 沒有開車禮儀的駕駛人
ex:This guy in front of us keeps changing lanes and his speed. He is such a road hog. I don’t like driving behind him.
。Key Word:
1. hug (n.) 自私的
2. scenic (a.) 風景的
3. spectacular (a.) 壯麗的
4. farmland (n.) 農田
5. tailgate (v.) 緊跟著前車行駛
Bao class- - - Something Goes Wrong
1. Something Goes Wrong ─ 出了差錯了;出了點問題
ex:I lost all my files today because something went wrong with my computer.
2. pillow(s) (n.) 枕頭
ex:The mother rested her baby on a soft pillow.
3. catching some rays ─ 做日光浴
。Key Words:
1. suntan lotion (n.) 防曬油
2.patio (n.) 院子
3.sundeck (n.) 可供曬太陽的平台屋頂
4.sunbeam (n.) 日光
2007年10月18日 星期四
Make a sentence:
1.cold shoulder:
I can't believe that he just gave me the cold shoulder.
2.piss off:
In America you can say that you are “pissed off” at someone or “upset with” someone if they make you angry.
3.take a deep breath:
If you get scared, take a deep breath and try to relax.
4.pet peeve:
My only pet peeve is rain on Sunday.
5.catch some Zs.:
It's late so I am going to go catch some Zs.
6.kiss up to:
Maybe if you kiss up to your mother, she will let you go to the movies with me.
Short answer:
1.Name three good driving manners in America.
Some of these manners are: don’t tailgate, drive the speed limit, and drive in the right lane unless you want to pass somebody.
2.In American, how do people make a quick buck?
Sometimes they set up scams to get people to give them money for nothing. Sometimes people will play the stock market hoping to strike it rich on a lucky investment. Other people will resort to crime to try to earn their fortunes.
3.What is the differdnce between "workaholic" and "alcoholic?"
Someone works too much, they are called a workaholic. And an alcoholic is someone who drinks too much alcohol.
4.What is "making a scene?" Please describe a real situation.
People in America find it embarrassing to be in a situation where they are attracting attention. Attracting a lot of attention in public is called “making a scene.”
5.How do famous people lay low so that they can have a private life?
Sometimes they wear disguises or dark glasses. Sometimes they will hire bodyguards to keep people away from them.
6.Many Americans have sweet tooth. What do they usually eat?
Americans love sweet food. Some types of sweet things that they like are chocolate, chewing gum, donuts, lollipops, licorice, and pop.
1.Bad habits are hard to break.
2.I'm going out to catch some rays.
The mother rested her baby on a soft pillow .
2007年10月11日 星期四
Went Into Dave's ESL Cafe's Student Discussion Forums
Topic 1 :
Travel - Your foverite cities you want to travel
(Reply:) My foverite cities I want to travel are Tokyo, England, France, and Italy. These cities are fashion cities and many beautiful places to visit. Tokyo and France both have tower and Disneyland. I want to stand on the towers and see the landscape around Tokyo and France. I think when I stand there I will feel like a bird flying on the sky. England is the oldest country, and there are many tranditional cultures and customs there. And I like women's clothes in the middle ages very much. So I would like to wear their clothes someday. I love shopping many different things. So if I have a lot of money, I would like to visit these places someday.
Topic 2 :
English Schools
(Question:) I am from Taiwan, and I am a student in the university. I mayor English and I want to study aboard in the future, but I have some prombles in speaking and listening. When I want to answer other's questions, I usually spend a lot of time thinking how to answer their questions. So I hope somebody to give me some advices to improve my speaing and listening.
Thank you very much.
2007年10月3日 星期三
He Knows " Made In Taiwan "
On Monday, I chatted with a man who came from India and his name is Shalabh. He is 23 years old,just graduated from college,and now he is a soft engineer. We found we had many same hobbies. And when I asked him " Do you know where is Taiwan? " ,then he said "Yes". After that he also said " Taiwan is an samll island which is near China and there are many electric equipments "Made In Taiwan". It was affecting.
Because before I chatted with him,I asked many people did they know where was Taiwan. But no person tell me the clear imformations like that,even some people I asked them " Do you know Wang Chien-Ming?" ,they either said "No". After that time,I felt Taiwan was too small to let other countries know us,and Wang Chine-Ming was not very very very famous,either. When I heard him said so many imformations about Taiwan,I was so affected. So I felt he is a knowledgeable person.
Everyone Love Opposite Sex
Last week I went into the chatroom,I found a funny thing that was everyone love to make friend with opposite sex. The first time I went into the chatroom,I just wanted to talk to girl. I waited for long time,no girl came to chat with me,instead there were many boys came. and than I felt so strange.
So I turned off the chatroom,used another name,a boy name, to log in again. Do you know what happened? Actually many girls came to talk to me,and wanted to make friends with me. And another interesting thing is that a boy asked me "Are you F or M?" when I used the neuter name. If I said I am " M ",he would turn off right away. Wasn't it funny? I thought the purpose we went into chatroom was to improve our English and make friends from many differemt countries. Not find someone will be my next boyfriend or girlfriend! Therefore I hope to make some girl friendsnext time.