(1) Listening:
1. CNN radio
CNN is the American wired television network (Cable News Network)
provides international, the entertainment and the sporting news. There are the rich documentary and the special edition, but when has arise suddenly the event occurs, CNN also meets immediately for the audience provides this event the most
recent news. There is also a channel on TV, Channel 6, in Taiwan. We can improve our listening by listening the On-line broadcasts.
2. ICRT radio
I often listen this radio when I drive the car to school. There are two DJ on this radio, they will talk about many funny things. This radio will play a lot of west music. We can study a clear pronunciation and mellow voice road place English by listening the pronunciation and the tune of the news anchor, and simultaneously grasps the news current event.
3. Book-pop:
This is a very cute website, there are many fairy tale story. Choose anyone book, we will see a book there when we read it we can click the listen, we will fill someone tell the story to us. And there are many cute pictures when we read it we will not fill boring. Isn’t it interesting? I think if we are fill English books which are too difficult to read. How about choose this website to read, and then you will fill English are much more funny.
4. English Listening Room
This website provides some English songs, we can listen these songs by using Real Player. When we listen a song, there will be lyrics we have to fill in. We not only can listen the great music but also can practice our hearing by filling in these lyrics.
5. The Moonlit Road:
If you love to listen to the clever story or folktales, may be you can choose this website. There is a storyteller will tell the story for you, it will be more a sense of reality.
(2) Reading:
1. CNN Stories:
We reads the news on-line, this website provides the listening and watching to help us read the news. There are some practices on the left side, but these practices are a little hard.
2. Kid's Corner:
This website provides many Fairy tale story, which we have heard in Chinese when we were children. This time we will read them in English. And in each story there are cute pictures there. On the bottom we also can click listening to listen.
3. Reader’s Digest:
There are many kinds of artic we can read from here. For example, health, food, and family etc..
4. English Class Online: http://www.linguist.com.tw/ENGClass/default.htm
There are many class we can learn from here. For example, conversation, and reading etc..
5. About.com:
There are many articles here. For example, electronics and gadgets and entertainment etc..
(3) Grammar:
1. Guide to Grammar and Writing:
This website teach us how to write every kinds of sentence pattern.
2. English Grammar Book:
This website teaches us how to use the Adj., Adv., etc.
3. Grammar & Writing:
This website is very cute. There are three section, they are Sentence Pattern, Theory and Practice, and Activity and exercise. After we learn the sentence pattern, we can give ourselves tests to know whether we have understood that or not.
4. Tracy’s Grammar:
This website looks like the teacher’s class textbook. It is very clear to see the construction of the sentences.
5. English chief apostle:
Many kinds of skills about how to use grammar.
(4) Speaking:
1. English Online Tutor: http://www.onlinetutorforenglish.com/index.php?gclid=CIGWvP_l_JACFQkiewod5x9nqg
We can talk to native English speakers by talking to online tutor to improve our speakimg.
2. My ET:
This is a website to speak online and it will give a score for you. And then you will know which part you have to pay attention.
3. Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab:
We can practice listening & speaking skills in English.
4. American English Pronunciation Practice:
There are many words sound very similar. Therefore using this website to practice our pronunciation to distinguish these words.
5. The English Professor:
This website is for someone who isn’t good for English, there are alphabet pronunciation practice, and recognize basic words etc. , every words we can listen again and again.
(5) Writing:
1. English-zone.com:
This website can improve our writing skills. At first we have to choose a topic and follow the instruction to fill in the key words and then it will be an article. After that we only have to modify the unusual words or patters, so that we will finish an English composition.
2. NCU English Learning Database: http://engsite.ncu.edu.tw/database/
This NC University’s learning website which teaches us how to write the correct article.
3. Webcoll-Gutenberg Edition
Web-based English Collocations Retrieval System
This website has a online dictionary, which for people who want to write something, but he doesn’t know which word he should use. And then he can use this system to help him, it is a very useful thing.
4. Guide to Grammar and Writing:
This website teach us how to write every kinds of sentence pattern.
5. Grammar & Writing:
This website is very cute. There are three section, they are Sentence Pattern, Theory and Practice, and Activity and exercise. After we learn the sentence pattern, we can give ourselves tests to know whether we have understood that or not.
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Wangtin & Sue
2008年1月17日 星期四
A. Internet Resource List
B. Key pal: making friends online
B. Key pal: making friends online:
(i) His name is Shalabh.
(ii) I found his by going to the chat room from English baby.
(iii) Since 10/3 we became the online friend.
(iv) We communicate with each other about once a month.
(v) We told about our culture and custom, or our hobbies, both we love watching comedy movies. This is our favorite hobbies.
(vi) I feel that is a wonderful experience by making friends on the Internet, that is cool. I can know many kinds of cultures and what different between two countries. I think if I continue to chat in English, it will be good for improving my English.
C. Web-based Learning
C. Web-based Learning
(1) Listening:(i) Adult Learning Activities-California Distance Learning Project
(Dogs Help Children Become Better Readers)
(ii) 12/31
(iii) Vocabulary:
1. sniff: to smell something by taking air in through your nose
2. seizure: a very sudden attack of an illness involving unconsciousness or violent movement
3. Assistance Dogs: Dogs that help their owners are called "Assistance Dogs.
4. Therapy Dogs: These dogs are family pets with special training.
5. get around to: to do something after you have intended to do it for some time
6. paired up: to form a pair or make two people form a pair
7. intimidating: to frighten or threaten someone, usually in order to persuade them to do something that you want them to do
(2) Writing:
(i) Paragraphpunch: An interactive, entertaining process writing site
(Paragraph Punch Writing Prompts)
(ii) 1/1
(iii) 1: Reasons: use some question to talk to everyone why do you want to talk and what reason
2: Details: and based on our topic to give more informations
3: Example: use some example to let every can much more understand
4: Cause and Effects: we can write to everyone what did it cause or effects
5: Sequence: at last we can write what happen after that
(3) Concordancer:
(i) VLC: Web Concordancer Collocation Explorer
(ii) 1/1
(iii) This website is useful we can search some words or sentence by just typing an alphabet
(4) Pronounciation:
(i) Emily's Pronunciation Class
(ii) 1/2
(iv) This semester we have Phonetic class, and at the final exam we have to test the question the this website, it is useful it let me learn this part more earily.
(5) All Skills and Others:
(i) English Baby: Learn English! Meet Friends!
(ii) 12/5
(iii) It is a website that we can make friends from many countries, it is interesting, but there are less Europe or American people. But we also can know other cultures by chat on the Internet.
(6) ESP:
(i) ESL Cafe Web Guide: Business English
(ii) 12/23
(iv) This is a place if we have any problems, we can leave some messages on that and after some days there are many people will leave messages or send e-mail to you to talk to you how to handle that. I have left a message which is about how should I improve my English, and there are some people send me e-mail to talk to me I can hire a native tutor that is the best way to let me improve my English.
(7) Speaking:
(i) Conversation Questions for the ESL/EFL Classroom (Also useful for teacher)
(ii) 1/3
(iii) There are many questions about the conversation, I think they are very important for everyone because we usually don’t know what questions should we talk to others especially stranger. So the beginning of the conversation is very important.
(8) Vocabulary:
(i) Learning English - Vocabulary Exercises
(ii) 1/4
(iii) This website is very interesting because we can do exercise by playing some games. That will be very fun to learn by playing.
(9) Presentation Skill:
(i) 10 commandments of presentations
(ii) 1/5
(iii) 1. Tell a story.
2. Present only what the client needs to make a decision
3. Be flexible.
4. Never overestimate eyesight.
5. Don't tell what it is; show what it means.
6. Deliver; don't read.
7. Look and listen.
8. Act like a professional.
9. Be a person.
10. Plan ahead.
(10) Reading/Literature:
(i) On-Line Lessons - Reading Skills
(ii) 12/28
(iv) There are some exercise we can test our reading skills, I think this is a good exercise for us to exercise before the exam.
(i) Dictionary.com
(iii)This website is really useful, there is English to English definitions. It is much faster than look into the Dictionary. And if we use the electronic dictionary the definitions are just Chinese ,so if we use this website we not only can become faster but also improve our English by looking such English to English Dictionary.
(12) Encyclopedia:
(i) Wikipedia
(iii)It is one of my favorite websites because we can find things about 95 percent things are connected with them.